Passive income is income that requires little to no ongoing effort to obtain. Examples include dividends from stocks, rent payments from rental real estate or royalty payments from intellectual property. In a divorce, passive income may impact spousal support and...
Does Investment Income Impact Child And Spousal Support?
Child or spousal support may be a concern when you file for divorce if you have minor children or a financially dependent spouse. Support orders are often an important part of a divorce, as they provide the custodial parent or dependent spouse with crucial financial...
Child Support and Remarriage
It is not uncommon for someone with a child support obligation to remarry. Nor is it uncommon for a person marrying someone who has a child support obligation to wonder the impact of the obligation. Here we seek to answer some of the questions that may be too...
Computing High Income Child Support
In order to determine the amount of child support one parent must pay to another, Ohio courts utilize a formula to ensure both parents are providing for any minor children. The formula computes a worksheet for child support and the court merely applies the computed...